Zapraszamy na transmisję LiVE z tegorocznych zawodów CSI2*, które od piatku rozgrywane są na terenie Stada Ogierów w Bogusławicach.
Program transmisji:
Piątek - 29.04.2022
- 10:00 - Youngster Tour for 5 & 6 years old horses Competition two phases special
- 11:15 - Extra Tour Competition two phases special
- 12:15 - Small Tour Competition two phases special
- 14:00 - Medium Tour Competition against the clock
- 16:00 - Big Tour Competition two phases 1st & 2nd phase against the clock
Sobota - 30.04.2022
- 10:00 - Youngster Tour for 5 & 6 years old horses Competition against the clock
- 11:15 - Extra Tour Competition against the clock
- 12:00 - SmallTour Competition against the clock
- 13:45 - Medium Tour Competition two phases 1st phase against the clock 2nd phase Table C
- 15:30 - Big Tour Competition against the clock
- 17:30 - Derby Competition table C
Niedziela - 1.05.2022
- 9:00 - Youngster Tour Final for 5 & 6 years old horses Competition two phases 1st & 2nd phase against the clock
- 10:15 - Extra Tour Final Competition two phases 1st & 2nd phase against the clock
- 11:00 - Small Tour Final Competition two phases 1st & 2nd phase against the clock
- 12:30 - Medium Tour Final Competition against the clock
- 14:30 - GRAND PRIX Longines Rankings Competition against the clock with jump off
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